Advanced biodiversity monitoring for results-based and effective agricultural policy and transformation (BioMonitor4CAP)

Unsustainable agricultural practices are major drivers affecting habitat and species diversity in agricultural landscapes of the EU. However, peatland, grassland, and species associated with agriculture are of most concern. The ongoing negative impacts of unsustainable agricultural practices emphasize the need for a fully integrated approach between the EU 2030 Biodiversity and Farm to Fork Strategies.

Supporting the EC`s ambition of enhancing biodiversity of agricultural landscapes advanced systems are required to monitor biodiversity features and their changes over time and in space. Such biodiversity monitoring systems will support implementation of result-based policies in the European agricultural landscapes. The BioMonitor4CAP project will design advanced biodiversity monitoring systems mainly assessing diversity of targeted species and habitats to be tested, calibrated, and demonstrated in five European regions representing the major agroecological regions of the EU and one region in Peru representing one of the global biodiversity hot spots.

The project will combine classical indicator systems that are part of the European monitoring framework (e.g. Farmland Bird Index) with various indicator systems mostly recently developed and applied in form of standalone systems:
i) new indicator species (e.g. grasshopper),
ii) genetic diversity (eDNA),
iii) on-site sensors (e.g. wing beat frequency, acoustic sounds), iv) functional diversity (e.g. pollinators), and iv) various spatial measures.

Supporting development and implementation of revised agricultural policies and ensuring rural development the project will involve among multiple stakeholder groups particularly farmers, conservationists, and service provides as the value and/or marketability of public and/or private goods delivered through maintained and enhanced biodiversity and related monitoring systems are hardly understood.


Toteuttajaorganisaatioita 23 viidestä eri Euroopan maasta ja Perusta.


vanhempi tutkija Toni Ryynänen, Helsingin yliopisto, Ruralia-instituutti,, 050 3119 398




EU Horizon Europé RIA (EU-suora)


Kokonaisbudjetti 6 953 352 euroa, Helsingin yliopiston Ruralia-instituutin osuus 663 639 euroa

Raportit ja julkaisut

Hankkeen posteri: BioMonitor4CAP enhanced agrobiodiversity maintenance and conservation

Artikkeli: Hanke kehittää maatalousympäristön monimuotoisuuden mittaamista ja seurantaa. Ruralia-lehti 1/2023

Esitelmäabstrakti Maataloustieteen päivät 2024: Future of farmland biodiversity monitoring – Perceptions of Finnish farmers and farm advisors


Uudet toimintamallit


maatalousympäristöjen monimuotoisuus, Ympäristö